Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Ms. Simona Innocenti
 Avvocato Simona Innocenti: Studio legale Scarabicchi ad Arezzo

Lawyer Simona Innocenti of the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo.

Born in Arezzo on October 30, 1964, she earned her degree at Liceo Classico Francesco Petrarca.
Graduated from University of Florence (LLB in Criminal Law with a thesis entitled “Usury crime”, discussed with Prof. Ferrando Mantovani), since January 1997 she has been admitted to Arezzo Bar. For many years she has collaborated with important Italian companies operating in goldsmith, computer and logistic fields performing litigation (specifically in the debt collection) and out of court (company law and contracts).
During her professional activity, Mrs. Innocenti gained experience on Civil Law in particular as regards the debt collection and forced execution, real estate law, adverse possession and also family law, legal succession and non contentious jurisdiction. For many years she has been member of AIAF - Associazione Italiana degli Avvocati per la Famiglia e per i minori – and she is enrolled in the List of Lawyers that carry out activities as supporting administrator and legal guardian by appointment of the Judge in Arezzo Court. Furthermore, she has been actively involved in the Association “Pronto Donna” as in-house counsel.
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