Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Ms. Giulia Brogi
 Avvocato Giulia Brogi dello Studio Legale Scarabicchi ad Arezzo

Lawyer Giulia Brogi of the Scarabicchi Law Firm in Arezzo.

Born in Florence on May 22, 1978, she earned her degree at Liceo Scientifico Francesco Redi (AR). She graduated from University of Florence (LLB in Criminal Law – General Theory of legal process with a thesis entitled “Communal Pre-litigation and Italian civil trial”, discussed with Prof. Nicolò Trocker). In 2004, Ms. Brogi has done the law practice by the Scarabicchi Law Firm where she currently works, deepening particularly Commercial Law and Insolvency Law. She took the bar exam in 2006-2007 and she has been admitted to Arezzo Bar since January 2008.
During her professional activity, Ms. Brogi gained experience on banking and insurance service and also on Corporate and Insolvency Law, having been an official receiver several times. Debt collection, Civil and Family Law are other areas of interest. Furthermore, she provides extrajudicial ordinary consultation service in Contractual Law field and also a legal assistance for some local companies. She has been actively involved in civil procedure as an editor in Associazione Arezzo Giurisprudenza.
Since 2017 Ms. Brogi carries out debt collection activities for a major Italian Credit Institution, which is leader in Non-Performing Loans area. Ms. Giulia Brogi is registered in the list of lawyers accomplishing her activity as an official receiver at the Court in Arezzo.
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