Telephone 0575.403600
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Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies
Compensation and road traffic accidents
 Risarcimento danni e sinistri stradali: studio legale ad arezzo

Compensation for damages and road accidents by the Scarabicchi law firm in Arezzo

Scarabicchi Law Firm offers its clients advice and assistance for any kind of need regarding compensation and road traffic accidents, to find the best way to ensure every types of damage in order to achieve an appropriate compensation. A compensable damage may result from many different situations: job (mobbing and demotion, unlawful dismissal), personal injury (road accidents or accident at work due to the lack of security measures), misdiagnosis, breach of contract, damage in case of spoilt holiday, banks and public administration, injury and online defamation.
As seen, the variety of situations and the typologies of compensable damage (patrimonial and non-patrimonial) are testified by the complexity of this legal issue; in fact is extremely important to provide the customer with a timely request for damage in order to achieve the right compensation.
If there is an insurance cover, the Law Firm will handle the claim with the insurance company. All these disputes are subjected to the compulsory settlement negotiations with the assistance of lawyers and to the mediation compulsory. Such procedures and negotiation out-of-court must obligatory exercised in advance of the lodging of an appeal, whereby the Scarabicchi team offers experience and professionalism.
The client is assisted in the early out-of-phase, ensuring a proper negotiation with the insurance company and , if necessary, through the summons of the other side. All to receive, as soon as possible, the correct compensation with the highest customer satisfaction.

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