Telephone 0575.403600
dove siamo
Address Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
dove siamo
Scarabicchi Law Firm
Law Firm of Lawyers in Arezzo, Assistance for Individuals and Companies


Scarabicchi Law Firm provides services of domiciliation, procedural replacement and replacement of hearing for all judicial offices of the Court and the Justice of the Peace of Arezzo including, but is not limited to, access to the Registry, registration to the Register, extraction of certified copies, withdrawal of documents and UNEP notifications.
This service is therefore exclusively addressed to fellow lawyers: to request one of the services offered simply send an e-mail specifying the activities required and the subject of the proceedings to be domiciled.

Etica del Lavoro

Etica del Lavoro

Grazie all'impiego di team di professionisti con competenze integrate e complementari, in grado di operare in un'unica ottica di flessibilità e integrazione tra le diverse practice, lo Studio offre un livello di efficienza unico nel suo genere nell'affrontare e risolvere in breve tempo problematiche legali di grande rilievo in diversi settori di attività. Privati, aziende, istituzioni finanziarie ed amministrative possono quindi scegliere di avvalersi di quei Professionisti che hanno maturato esperienza nell'ambito dell'area di attività richiesta.
Da molti anni infatti, lo Studio assiste numerose aziende ed imprese del territorio che operano in diversi campi, fra i quali moda, oreficeria, logistica ed informatica, sia di ambito nazionale che internazionale.
I Professionisti dello Studio adempiono ai propri doveri professionali con diligenza e nel pieno rispetto del Codice Deontologico, curando costantemente la propria preparazione professionale, conservando e accrescendo le proprie conoscenze con particolare riferimento ai settori nei quali svolgono la propria attività. L'Etica del lavoro adottata dai Professionisti conferma e rappresenta quei valori in cui essi si riconoscono, e rende lo Studio in grado di dare al Cliente garanzie che vanno oltre quelle proprie degli ordini professionali.
Legal practice

Legal practice

We are always looking for young and motivated talents willing to perform the legal practice. The ideal candidate is a recent graduate with an excellent university track record, a good knowledge of languages and the desire and inclination to strive in the professional service areas with both dedication and passion. Every application will be evaluated and we will revert to you very quickly.
0575 403600
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Scarabicchi Law Firm

Established in Arezzo, Scarabicchi Law Firm was founded in 1990 by Mr. David Scarabicchi, in collaboration with his wife, Mrs. Simona Innocenti.

Throught solid relationships with other hight-calibre lawyer, the Firm has always known how deploy its skills and experience in specialized fields; also as a result of increased deal of work over the past 25 years.
Under this profile, the Firm gives advices in several practice areas, provides extrajudicial ordinary consultation service and contentious cases involving civil, commercial and penal matters. Supported by a team of professional attorneys and young graduates, Scarabicchi confirms commitment in guaranteeing highly qualified legal assistance to companies and individuals.
Its daily work is governed by trust, esteem, teamwork and result with one common objective: support customers throughout entire life of a case, from its initial stage of development to its final legal status.
With an integrated multidisciplinary approach, Scarabicchi Law Firm grants a highly customized consultancy service tailored to each client.

Scarabicchi Law Firm arezzo

Contacts and Information

Contacts and Information

0575.403600 - 392.4547631
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Via Monte Falco, 38 - 52100 - Arezzo INFORMATION REQUEST
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