COM_TELEFONO 0575.403600
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COM_DOVE Via Monte Falco, 38 - Arezzo
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Lawyer in Law Firm in Arezzo

Established in Arezzo, Scarabicchi Law Firm was founded in 1990 by Mr. David Scarabicchi, in collaboration with his wife, Mrs. Simona Innocenti. Throught solid relationships with other hight-calibre lawyer, has always known how deploy its skills and experience in specialized fields; also as a result of increased deal of work over the past 25 years. Under this profile, the Firm gives advices in several practice areas, provides extrajudicial ordinary consultation service and contentious cases involving civil, commercial and penal matters. Supported by a team of professional attorneys and young graduates, Scarabicchi confirms commitment in guaranteeing highly qualified legal assistance to companies and individuals.
Its daily work is governed by trust, esteem, teamwork and result with one common objective: support customers throughout entire life of a case, from its initial stage of development to its final legal status. With an integrated multidisciplinary approach, Scarabicchi Law Firm grants a highly customized consultancy service tailored to each client.


Scarabicchi Law Firm has a consolidate experience representing private and corporate clients in contracts. Identifying the appropriate model, the Firm’s professionals assist and support clients during every stage, from the pre-contractual negotiations with the counterpart to the implementation of the agreements.

Compensation and road traffic accidents

Scarabicchi Law Firm offers its clients advice and assistance for any kind of need regarding compensation and road traffic accidents, to find the best way to ensure every types of damage in order to achieve an appropriate compensation. A compensable damage may result from many different situations: job (mobbing and demotion, unlawful dismissal), personal injury (road accidents or accident at work due to the lack of security measures), misdiagnosis, breach of contract, damage in case of spoilt holiday, banks and public administration, injury and online defamation.
As seen, the variety of situations and the typologies of compensable damage (patrimonial and non-patrimonial) are testified by the complexity of this legal issue; in fact is extremely important to provide the customer with a timely request for damage in order to achieve the right compensation.

Cyberlaw, privacy and GDPR

Cyberlaw is the area of law that applies to the Internet and Internet-related technologies; it is the newest and distinctive field on which our Professionals are able to deepen offences such as provision of sensitive content or sexually explicit content and criminal defamation. In addition, the most frequently topics of the Law Firm assistance are the computer fraud, phishing, the abusive access to computer or telecommunications systems and the violation of correspondence.

Fashion law

Fashion law is a highly specialized legal field that prerequires elements of civil and criminal law including intellectual property matters; customs duties; the fight against counterfeiting and commercial law contracts. Mr. David Scarabicchi has been developing consistent collaborations for years with the best fashion and garment industries, at national and international level, enough to gain a strong experience in Fashion law which over the time has become one of the most important areas of expertise of Scarabicchi Law Firm. It provides counsel on trademark infringement and counterfeit goods, contract management (mainly agency and sales agreements), internationalization process and Criminal Corporate Law. Scarabicchi offers the best and effective solutions across the luxury goods, fashion and beauty sectors.

Criminal law

Scarabicchi Law Firm provides a wide and qualified protection in criminal matters. In this area, the Firm pleads individuals or legal entities as suspected or accused person, as a civil party in criminal proceedings and also as the party civilly liable for the actions of its defendants. The Firm’s professionals deal with crimes committed to the pursuit of business, also in collaboration with economic and financial professionals in order to examine and treat technical tax aspects.

Labour Law

Labour law is the set of rules that govern the relationship between the employer and the employee and that protect not only the economic interest of the company, but also the freedom, dignity and personality of workers; The Law Firm Scarabicchi operates both alongside the latter and the companies, providing assistance for the proper management of employment relationships. Any controversy that may arise in the course of the report, from contracts to disciplinary disputes, dismissals for just cause or unjustified reason, is treated with effective defense models and handled in full respect of the parties involved.


The firm is able to provide a wide range of assistance and consultancy services in the field of bankruptcy law and business crisis, addressing both companies subject to pre-bankruptcy and insolvency procedures, or those subject to extraordinary administration.

Sports law

Sports law is a legal system that applies to professional and amateur athletes and the sports the play. It is not a single legal topic with generally applicable principles. Sports law touches on a variety of matters becoming a growing area for clubs and athletes that need an adequate legal aid. Scarabicchi Law Firm has a significant experience in Sports law and in several Sports Justice Bodies; it is frequently instructed in amateur team and junior football team, playing a compelling role not only in drafting and negotiation of transfer market contracts, image rights disputes and merchandising but the Firm advises also in drafting sponsorship contracts, in appeals to sporting justice (disqualification and financial penalties) and in civil and criminal liability of sports activities.

Divorce and family law - Legal succession

Family law is one of the fields where, apart from its effects on the quality of life of our clients, lawyer’s expertise and professionalism is needed more than ever. Especially into a chaotic and slow justice system such as the current one, it is necessary to seek long-term solutions and negotiation out of court, whether it is a consensual or a judicial procedure (in case of prior agreement or disagreement of all parties involved in the process).

Medical liability

Scarabicchi Law Firm has a solid background in medical responsibility which has seen the explosive growth of the medical malpractice cases in the past few years. There were many reasons that have contributed to this situation, also known as Medical Liability Crisis at in international level. These include a longer life expectancy, the technological development in the diagnostic and therapeutic process, the increase of curable disease, and last but not least, the patients’ protection organisation in raising awareness on human rights is also significant. The Firm offers its clients assistance and advice in defence of both the patient and the doctor: as for the former, Scarabicchi team allows victims and their families to get the right solace for any injury suffered resulting from misdiagnosis and wrong execution, or because of the inefficiency of the Health System; as for the latter, the Firm obtains the medical-legal report in order to clarify if the damages suffered by the patient have been caused by the negligent behaviour of the doctor. Once obtained this report, the professionals will verify the connection between the patient’s damage and the work of the doctor.

Debt collection

Credit management is a discipline increasingly identified as strategic by companies, necessary to operate and develop, and it is also an essential service to protect the interests of freelance professionals, artisans and private individuals. Programming and implementation to recover the unpaid claim is essential not only to assess every business balance, but also to determine the significant tax implications relating to the credit losses detection. The presence of a debt recovery lawyer is necessary to ensure creditor in case of failed payment (e.g. the supply of goods and services, bills of exchange and cheques, debt acknowledgement) or failure of honouring legal obligations (e.g. the payment of service charges), but also in the event that the debtor should defer his debt for lack of liquidity.

Real estate law

The Law Firm Scarabicchi offers advice and assistance, judicial and extrajudicial, to protect property and possession in real estate; starting from rights and duties of landlord and tenant, with particular reference to leases, evictions, disputes with the construction company, right of condominium and immissions, up to out-of-court advice for research in conservatories and cadastre, drafting and negotiation of preliminary contracts as well as support in subsequent fulfillments.

The Firm, with its team of integrated and complementary skills, ensures a flexible and efficient approach to the legal issues in several areas of activity.
Private individuals, companies, financial and administrative institutions can choose to make use of their professional skills and experience within the legal area. For many years, Scarabicchi Law Firm has assisted various local companies and enterprises that operate in different fields, such as fashion, jewellery, IT and logistics at national and international level.
The Firm’s professionals fulfill their duty with diligence and in compliance with the Code of Ethics in order to preserve and increase their knowledge especially in the customers’ interest. The professional ethics confirms the authenticity of values in which our attorneys can recognize and make the Firm able to satisfy every customers’ requirements.

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